Fluke 8050A Credits
Fluke 8050A software credits
Various software and resources have been incorporated into this project. Here's a list, hopefully complete. If you notice something missing, please let me know so that I might properly credit the work and update this list.
Mecrisp Forth is a core component of this project. It is the low-level software that animates the hardware, and a fast and elegant Forth interpreter/compiler that targets ARM Cortex-M3 based CPUs, such as is used in this project.
jeelabs.org for some wonderful introductory material in the blog there, as well as a bunch of Forth code for controlling on-chip peripherals and other higher-level tasks. A wonderfully useful resource. See Dive Into Forth, Forth On A Dip, Starting with Forth and Forth in 7 Easy Steps as examples.
The TFT LCD graphical display is really great, except.. no fonts! I've managed to adapt some fonts to this purpose:
An 8x16 pixel font adapted from Big Mess O' Wires. Curiously, this is a font that he elected to not use in his project..
An 8x8 pixel font adapted from Jeelabs Github, which in turn is part of the Mecrisp Forth distribution, embedded within a graphics library file. While not used in the released version of this software, it was used for some debugging and is embedded in the software image for some future use since it is so compact. Also, a larger 32x64 pixel digit font from https://github.com/jeelabs/embello/blob/master/explore/1608-forth/flib/digits.fs. This is also not used in this version of the software, though is in the image for some potential future use.
The Large, Small and Tiny sized digit and some graphical elements from another Fluke 8050A LCD project at https://www.vondervotteimittiss.de/post/a-new-graphic-display-for-a-fluke-8050a-multimeter. These are nice clean digit fonts (plus a few symbols).
Fluke Reverse Engineering and Alternative Approaches
There are two other examples of similar work described on the Fluke 8050A Multimeter LCD Display Project page.